Sunday, November 30, 2008

Proposition 8

I have a hard time believing that so many of my fellow Californians voted to define marriage as being only between one man & one woman. I suspect that many thought they were voting, “yes – let them get married,” not realizing they were actually voting, “yes, change our Constitution to redefine marriage.” The US Constitution, which of course predates California’s, says we have the right to the pursuit of happiness. What could possibly be more fundamental to happiness than the person you choose to share your life with? Why should one group of people have the right to impose their beliefs on everyone else? Wasn’t this country originally founded by those desiring to practice the religion of their choice? Isn’t that what this is really all about – freedom of choice? From what have I read, this anti-homosexual movement comes from the ranks of one segment of Christians and they apparently have not read the Bible. Nowhere in the (King James) Bible – Old or New Testaments – is there any injunction against same-sex couples. And yes – I have read the Bible many times over. Are these nay-sayers misinterpreting their Bible …. or making it up as they go along? The campaign this Christian minority waged with Proposition 8 was typical of what I expect from the Oil Mongers – dirty, nasty, filled with lies & half truths, and playing on the emotional heart-strings of us all. Shame on you Christians who played your part in this hate-crime, for that is what it is. A great deal of money was spent to deny to some the same basic family happiness and values you claim to champion. Who is next on your hit list - non-whites? the elderly?, all those born on a Thursday? Hate in any form is unacceptable, but to see this political maneuvering coming from those who claim God is about Love makes no sense – they should practice what they preach (Love, Compassion, Forgiveness) and leave the judging to God.

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